Business Mission Web Summit Portugal 2023

Slovak investment and trady agency (SARIO) within the framework of the national project Support for the internationalization of SMEs, which is implemented within the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure, priority axis 11, investment priority 3b, specific objective 11.2 aimed at increasing the internationalization of SMEs and the use of the possibilities of the EU single market, is preparing a business mission for the Web Summit Portugal, on November 12-17, 2023. As part of the business mission program, it is planned to participate in the Web Summit event, as well as networking with foreign partners. The final program of the business mission will be announced to confirmed participants before the mission.

The call is open for Slovak applicants only, therefore the detailed information about the mission below is in Slovak language.

Cieľová skupina:

V rámci podnikateľskej misie bude zo strany agentúry SARIO zabezpečené: 

Podpora nezahŕňa:

Registrácia je otvorená do 2. mája 2023.

Predpokladaný počet účastníkov podnikateľskej misie: 8 MSP. Výber MSP na predmetné podujatie bude podliehať pravidlám národného projektu SARIO Podpora internacionalizácie MSP. V prípade naplnenia kapacity pred uplynutím registrácie si agentúra SARIO vyhradzuje právo na skoršie ukončenie registrácie.

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