Innovate Slovakia Launched Slovak Innovation Ecosystem Database
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, our platform Innovate Slovakia organised an innovative brunch at which we united most of the key stakeholders in the Slovak innovation ecosystem. During this brunch we announced the launch of a comprehensive database that maps innovative companies, startups, innovation hubs, investors and financial data about the Slovak ecosystem which is the the first time that Slovakia has a complex ecosystem database since the introduction of Innovation Map Slovakia.
The database provides a valuable overview for policy makers, investors and other interested parties to support innovative business and economic growth in Slovakia. Following the example of the best innovative countries in Europe, which use such types of databases for better decision-making and mapping of progress in the innovation process, we also obtained a broad overview of the state of the ecosystem here, which will help to better analyze and compare innovation activity in Slovakia. The launch of the database is also an excellent opportunity to show the inspiring ideas that we produce in our country and thus attract more investment in innovation.

The key advantages of the database mapping the innovation ecosystem include the possibility to follow the progress of the ecosystem, compare its strengths and weaknesses with other countries, identify current trends and technologies, but also supports investments in Slovak innovative companies and provides an overview for the public sector in the creation of innovative policies.
The launch of the Dealroom database was kicked off with an initial meeting between key stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem, including representatives of the public sector, investors, innovation hubs and innovative firms. We want to showcase that the ecosystem is not fragmented, on the contrary, it is quite the opposite – we benefit from the talent that each of us posseses, therefore at the meeting we also discussed the state and needs of the Slovak innovation ecosystem, the role of Innovate Slovakia in supporting its development and joint steps that key players can take to further build an innovative environment in Slovakia.
Together we came up with a collection of action points on which we aspire to elaborate in the following meetings.
Thanks to SAPIE (Slovak alliance for innnovation economy) and CIVITTA and all participants for their thoughtful contributions.