Is social entrepreneurship your love language, or let’s say do you want to help, simplify, and be there for those in need of it, to make things quicker, approachable, and improve social systems that are sometimes struggling?

Social Impact Awards let you create the business of your dreams with a sense of empathy and feeling towards the needs of these days – whether ecologically, economically, culturally, or educationally.

If you already have your idea, the high-quality mentors of this program, and several inspiring workshops navigate you into setting the idea into a real business plan, making you understand design thinking, market trends, and the business world as a whole.

If you are a student or absolve of a university, 18-30 years old, individual or group of friends – don’t be afraid and sign up, time is running!

Deadline is 15th May 2022

Your idea can win, you can become successful and your project can be 1.5K richer.

Who doesn’t want to do that?

Click here to register!

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